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           B010   Sights & Bites                                                    Belgrade

           Whatever you choose to do in the Balkans, keep in mind that eating is a major part
           of this culture: is of a big importance to sit in the table with family, friends and guests;   SERBIA
           to discuss over a good glass of wine and tasting the food made directly from the
           recipes of the grandmothers. For this reason, the combination and integration of all
           the aspects are important to offer a great tour and this one has it all tailored carefully.  Nis  BULGARIA

           Day    Departure  Tour              Overnight  Distance  Duration  MONTENEGRO
           Day 01  Airport  Tirane             Tirane       20 km  30 min             KOSOVO
           Day 02  Tirana   Berat              Tirana     260 km   5 hrs
           Day 03  Tirana   Dajti Cable Car    Ohrid      150 km   3,5 hrs                  Skopje      Plovdiv
           Day 04  Ohrid    St. Naum           Ohrid        70 km  1,5 hrs     Dajti Cable  MACEDONIA
                                                                     ADRIATIC SEA
           Day 05  Ohrid    Skopje             Skopje     175 km   3 hrs       Tirane
           Day 06  Skopje   Sofia              Sofia      260 km   4,5 hrs              Ohrid
                                                                                         St. Naum
           Day 07  Sofia    Plovdiv            Sofia      300 km   4,5 hrs        Berat
           Day 08  Sofia    Nis                Belgrade   410 km   5,5 hrs        ALBANIA   GREECE
           Day 09  Belgrade  Belgrade          Belgrade                IONIAN SEA
           Day 10  Belgrade  Belgrade Airport               20 km  25 min
                                                                                                            AEGEAN SEA
                                                                                  TOUR HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                               •  Tirana: National Historic Museum
                                                                               •  Tirana: Cable Car to Dajti Mountain
                                                                               •  Berat: The Fortress;
                                                                                  Onufri Museum
                                                                               •  Ohrid: St. Perivlepta Church; St.
                                                                                  Sophia Church
                                                                               •  Skopje: Panoramic tour; the
                                                                                  Ottoman Bazar
                                                                               •  Sofia: Panoramic tour
                                                                               •  Plovdiv: Panoramic tour
                                                                               •  Belgrade: Kalemegdan Fortress;
                                                                                  St. Sava Temple

                                                                                  Optional Tours:
                                                                               •  Belgrade: River Cruise in Sava &
                                                                                  Danube Rivers
                                                                               •  Nis: Red Cross Nazi Concentration
                                                                               •  Ohrid: Boat Tour in Ohrid Lake
                                                                               •  Ohrid: St. Naum Monastery

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