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Program                 remains of the communism era to provide   Day 07: Kotor – Dubrovnik / CROATIA
                      Itinerary               Albanian history.                 Dubrovnik
                                              you with a general understanding of
                                                                                AM: This morning we’ll drive towards
                                              Overnight in Tirana               The pearl of Adriatic, town of impregnable
                                                                                walls, museums, treasuries, luxurious
               Day 01: Skopje Airport – Skopje    Day 04: Tirane – Prizren / KOSOVO      palaces, churches, monasteries,
            Welcome in North Macedonia!!!     AM: Head on towards Prizren.      synagogues and international festivals.
            Meet and greet the group at Skopje   PM: Upon arrival, check into the hotel and   Leisure time
            International Airport and drive to Skopje.  enjoy an evening walk to explore the Old   Overnight in Dubrovnik
            Afternoon panoramic walking tour of   Town of Prizren, the cultural capital, rich
            Skopje will include the old bazaar, St. Spas   in history and tradition and surrounded by   Day 08: Dubrovnik – Mostar
            Church; Mustafa Pasha Mosque, Stone   spectacular nature.           – Sarajevo / BOSNIA
            Bridge, railway station and the Memorial   Overnight in Prizren     AM: Drive towards Mostar
            House of Mother Teresa.                                             PM: Visit of Mostar old town. UNESCO
            Overnight in Skopje  MOLDAVIA     Day 05: Prizren – Fierza & Koman Lake   Heritage Site. Don’t forget to taste a
                                              – Shkoder/ALBANIA                 Bosnian Coffee or to enjoy a baklava
            Day 02: Skopje – Ohrid            AM: Early departure to Fierza ferry   desert.
            AM: This morning we’ll head to Ohrid   terminal.                    Proceed driving to Sarajevo for your
            town.                             The two hours boat trip on Fierza & Koman   overnight
            PM: It is Lake Ohrid that makes Ohrid   Lakes was called “One of the Great Boat
            town a unique historical artefact and gives   Trips of the World” by the Bradt Guide  Day 09: Sarajevo
            the prestige of being named as both   PM: You’ll proceed driving to Shkoder and   AM: Panoramic visit of the old town; Brusa
            a cultural and natural UNESCO World   enjoy a free afternoon.       Bezistan (Old Bazaar); Old Coppersmiths
            Heritage site.                    Overnight in Shkoder              at work; Orthodox Church; Roman
            Visit St. Perivlepta Church and St. Sophia                          Catholic Cathedral; Latin Bridge and War
            Cathedral. Optional boat tour in Ohrid   Day 06: Shkoder – Kotor    Tunnel
            Lake.                             /MONTENEGRO                       PM: Leisure time by your own
            Overnight in Ohrid                AM: Departure to Kotor            Overnight in Sarajevo
                                              PM: Visit Kotor, a well-preserved Medieval
            Day 03: Ohrid – Tirane / ALBANIA      Town, built between the 12th and 14th    Day 10: Sarajevo – Airport
            AM: Today departure to Tirana.    century. Visit the Cathedral of Saint   After the breakfast, we’ll check out. Free
                                BLACK SEA
            PM: Tirana, the capital of Albania, has a   Tryphon, a monument of Roman culture   time by your own until your departure to
            long history enriched by the interaction of   and one of the most recognizable symbols   the airport
            cultural forces originating in the Islamic and   of the city.       Transfer to Airport
            European Christian worlds.        Free afternoon.                   End of Service
            The tour will highlight some symbols and   Overnight in Kotor


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